If you think that this property's location in Bahria Town - Sector C is just swell, we'd recommend that you sign up for it quickly. Choose the right neighbourhood in Lahore. Based on our experience with numerous clients, we know that this is the property you would like to rent immediately. The market trends confirm that the quoted price of Rs. 59000 is quite reasonable. The perfect 5 Marla listing for your property needs are right within your reach. This Upper Portion comes with modern ceilings, ornate light fixtures and newly painted walls so you can design your home without wasting anymore time.
A few highlighting features of the property are as follows.
This Upper Portion has a beautiful Jamiah mosque located at walking distance from it.
A furnished Upper Portion takes the burden of decorating off your shoulders and you can just enjoy the space.
The community swimming pool in the building/society proves to be great during summers.
For the ultimate luxury experience, the property also has a sauna for a healthier and relaxed state of body and mind.
There is a community lawn at a walking distance from the Upper Portion.
With a separate study room in the Upper Portion you have a personal space where you can read in peace.
The Upper Portion features state-of-the-art amenities for the differently-abled.
If these do not completely convince, you can just contact us and we will put all your concerns to rest.