All your search for 40 Marla property for your investment is at the destination. In a few years Izmir Town will further develop so make your investment today. A prime category Residential Plot is available for sale. Moving to Izmir Town, you won't have to think twice about the facilities as every area is quite developed. Property at a price of PKR Rs. 70000000 is an attractive deal in terms of future investment. If you want to buy this property, then please consider booking it quickly - because our offers (you should know) are as liquid as they come!
Following are some details of the property.
A 24/7 active security staff maintains a safe, peaceful environment for the dwellers.
The property has a proper, contemporary sewerage system installed.
Consistent and active electricity connections are in place.
The possession of the property is almost immediate.
The uninterrupted water supply prevents the residents from facing any hassle on this front.
We are just a phone call away, contact us now!