Of all the attractions of this property, its price-tag of Rs. 120000 is perhaps the most important one. Rental property like this are hard to find these days, so take this offer before someone else does. The stunning House is ideal to live a comfortable life. Looking to get the best real estate value in Lahore? Let us help you. Take a look at the best property from Bahria Town - Sector E in this page. You can live your best life in 10 Marla House, so what are you waiting for.
The details of the property are listed down below.
A short sauna session every day can improve your overall health and mood.
Owing to our hectic lifestyles, finding a well-furnished House is a blessing in itself.
Security staff is available on-premises at all times to ensure the safety of the residents and building.
Differently-abled people will find this House easy to navigate, as it is developed to incorporate their needs.
To provide a complete lifestyle experience, the project offers a variety of urban amenities, including broadband internet access.
The mosque near the House is quite spacious and well-maintained.
Kids can freely play at the community garden nearby.
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