Good Condition
It's high time to move to Lahore with tonnes of new opportunities. If you're looking for 1 Kanal properties that fit your needs, here's what you need. A well-fitted property with latest design features is available for a price of PKR Rs. 130000, so don't miss the opportunity. Looking to rent a place? Well, we've got the right place just for you. As you are looking for top-notch option in Garden Town - Baber Block? Here's what you need. The Upper Portion comes with all the basic features necessary for a comfortable living.
To get to more details on the property, some of its features are given below.
You can customize the study room in the Upper Portion any way you like.
Having a powder room in the home is a great additional feature.
Double Glazed windows are a perfect solution to outside noise.
Your kids can play to their heart's content in the play area adjoining the property.
A Jacuzzi session is a great way to quiet your mind and unwind.
The mosque near the Upper Portion is quite spacious and well-maintained.
In summers, the community swimming pool can be a blessing for the building residents.
To know more on the offer, please contact us.