Anmol Group of Hostels For Girls Tariq Block new Garden Town Lahore.
Near: CRESCENT College Model Town L Block (7 Minutes walking Distance]
SKANS College ACCA Campus Tariq Block (5 Minutes walking Distance)
CAPS College of Accountancy (6 Minutes walking Distance)
PAC College of Accountancy (7 Minutes walking Distance]
Rise College of Accountancy (8 Minutes walking Distance)
SBI College of Accountancy [8 Minutes walking distance]
CFE College of Accountancy (10 Minutes walking Distance]
Punjab University Barkat Market
Jinnah Hospital and Medical College
Rent 9500 per Head without Mess
Security Cameras .
Furnished AC Rooms
Attached Bath , Geyser ,
Fast Speed Fibre WiFi internet
Electricity Back Up.
Washing and Dryer Machine
Kitchen, Gas, Oven, Stove,
Fridge , Freezer, Microwave
Water Dispenser, Mineral Water.
One Kanal Double Story Building Situated on Main Road. Near to Park , Market
Near EURO Store.
WhatsApp: 317-40^30^111