Luckily, your search for 3 Marla property has led to this carefully curated option. Finding a property is difficult but one at Rs. 25000 is a great offer. The Lower Portion is constructed with modern furnishings so you can enjoy living in comfort and style. The properties in Jubilee Town will reap great benefits in the future. Based on our experience with numerous clients, we know that this is the property you would like to rent immediately. Properties in Jubilee Town at a price that meets your budget.
To get to more details on the property, some of its features are given below.
You can meet the neighbourhood community after prayers in the mosque near Lower Portion.
The drawing room will let you have guests over as often as you want.
The complex comes equipped with central air conditioning for ensuring a comfortable experience.
A barbeque area also adjoins the place and is perfect to entertain small gatherings.
Socialize, make friends and interact with the neighbours at the community lawn nearby.
Your close friends can be seated in the cosy sitting room that comes with this Lower Portion.
Protection is a top priority and for that reason, you'll find expert security services on patrol at all times.
Hurry up and call us.