Luckily, your search for 5 Marla property has led to this carefully curated option. It can be difficult to find a property exactly as you require so a price of PKR Rs. 65000 is a great deal. The Upper Portion enjoys the ideal location of I-10 with notable landmarks nearby. You'll be surprised that a well-structured property like this is available to rent right away. Not every city can become your home like I-10. The properties in I-10 will have all the day to day facilities at a close reach.
The following property features will tell you what makes it special.
Stay connected with your family and friends with the facility of broadband internet access.
Kids can swim to their hearts desire at the community pool.
A barbeque area also adjoins the place and is perfect to entertain small gatherings.
Double-glazed windows in the Upper Portion adds to the design of the property.
Breathe in the fresh air as an effective waste disposal team is on duty all the time.
You can feel secure with round-the-clock security staff that patrols the premises.
Beautiful Upper Portion in I-10 is available for rent Constructed Properties.
For the best property advice, give us a call today.