At a price of Rs. 120000 such a deal may be hard to come again. Check out our list for all the available House in the city. You know, a similar 10 Marla sized property can turn out to be really hard to find, so you should definitely grab this offer while it's still available. The best property for rent is only a click away, so what are waiting for! Let us help you in your search for a property in Lahore. Away from the city-centre, this Bahria Town - Sector C is perfect if you are looking for some peace and tranquillity.
To get to more details on the property, some of its features are given below.
There is a community lawn at a walking distance from the House.
Professional security services at all times ensure the House stays well-protected.
Keep your stationary and books organized at the study room that comes with the House.
You can relax whenever you want with access to the Jacuzzi.
The House has a Jamiah mosque at a convenient walking distance from it.
You can enjoy your own space with the tastefully decorated and fully-furnished House that is now available.
Differently-abled people will find this House easy to navigate, as it is developed to incorporate their needs.
Book your meeting with us today for the right home advice.