Condition: 9.5 / 10 ( will work for least 2years if usage not ab0ve 90 95) guranted.
Games : runs Valorant , Six Siege , FortNight , GTA V , SIFU , CSGO 2
GHOST RECON Wildland, DIVISION , DYING LIGHT 2, Roller Champions , , , XDEFIANT Smoothly.
Test: Temp never went above 70C becuase I used it with care for longer use. Max Usage was around 70 never put much load on it.
Selling Reason: Becuase I have lower end CPU, so just selling my whole setup.
Price: If you think you can get Gtx660ti for lesser price ( make sure its the one am selling with 12 pins and Official , Not Refurbished or opened,
and with this condition)
Selling my GTX 660Ti ( its Innovative 3d- for higher usage ), from Innovative brand (not by any 3rd seller local manufacturers ) You can see the seal and stickers.