We have new Fronus PV 5200 Infinion series with one year warranty and outstanding Specification such as dual output, efficiency, green metering etcetr with Compatibale New lithium Battery of 24 volts,170 Amperes or 4000 Watt Hour Capacity which is 3 times more than same figure lead acid battery.
The battery capacity of 4000 Watt Hours has been checked with A+ Grade lithium cells with Life Cycle of 6000+, which means battery will run more than 10 Year with 94% usable capacity not like lead acid batteries with usable capacity of below 50% and life cycle 200 or below.
Above all you can run 1-1.5 ton ac with battery for more than 7 hours and it has been checked by Engineer Samad khan and he takes full responsibility of above statement specially battery chemistry, capacity and home use. You have the options to to check item in operation and working conditions you can put load of 1800 watts load or more on battery at a time.