Assalam o Alaikum
We deals in all kind of flats and apartments for rent in lahore.
"In this appartment"
It has 3 bed rooms in which 2 Standard & 3rd one is a master bed room and also used as Tv longue
It has 1 washroom (attached with 2 sides)
It has 1 Kitchen
All rooms are fully airy and ventilated (windows)
Double door entry
Fully secure flats
3 new fans and 8 bulbs are recently installled in entire flat
It has a capacity of 200 bikes parking in the basement
Security 24 hours available via security guards management
It has a saperate Electricity metre
Water supply 24 hours no worries about it
Because a huge water tanks installed on the roof for each floor
Door locks are perfect and in Excellent condition
16 Security cameras are installed in each floor
Monthly Rent : 24,800
Security as advance :24,800
For more information and quires
Contact us on registred mobile number.
Thank you.