Course out line of Fashion Pattern Making and Sewing Class :
1) Basic Bodice Block Front and back
2) Basic Sleeve Block
3) Dart sleeve
4) Basic Skirt block
5) Type of skirts
6) Basic Dress Block
7) Ease block front and back
8) How to shirt reading armhole reading to bodice ease block
9) How to find vertical and horizontal bicep reading
10) Basic sewing method technique
11) Dart manipulation level 1, 2 and 3 (* plated, gathers, and dart shifting)
12) Design dress project 1, (*Illustration, technical drawing, design Pattern Making, cutting fabric and sewing along with finishing) in this design process request to student design dress according to Easter or western wear and design its pattern)
13) Coutured block
14) Trouser block
15) Culotte pattern
16) Type of sleeve
17) How to take measurements of body?