Tahir Engineering The Kitchen Experts
Duct line / Insolation / Cladding/Wooden Chimney/Duct Work Fabrication
WE DEALS IN SUPPLY/INSTALLATION/REPAIRING OF chillers, cooling tower, pump, AHU, FAHU, Ventilation fans. Ducting, piping insulation, cladding, Fabrication work SWG 26, 24 and 22 GI sheet work Rectangular, circle and Cubic Bended duct Industrial, Domestic and Commercial Hanging, Bracing, Jointing and Facing Threaded Rods, Hangers and Angal Iron Support, Sealing with Sealant, etc. , GLASS WOOL INSULATION: Made in Turkey, or Made in China 25mm & 50mm thickness 16/meter Cube density Aluminum foil Tapping Wrapped: 0.8ounce fabric .