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Digital Timer Switch

Korangi, Karachi
1 day ago
Need of Digital Timer Switch (DT-01): The wastage of any thing causes theLosses, There is a common problem in every house hold which causes wastage ofwater when people forget to turn Off the Water Pump motor. / Any other TimeBased Appliances. Application of Digital Timer Switch (DT-01): DT-01 Operation:The DT-01 has aDigital Display that shows“oF”normally indicating thatthe pump is OFF state. Below the displaythere are five push button marked as 2M, 5M, 10M, 15M & RST. Pressing the2M button will turn on the Motor for 2 minutes. Likewise pressing 15M will turnOn for 15 Minutes. The Motor can be stopped any time by pressing the “RST” (Reset)button. If you press the wrong button you can press the correct button tochange the time e. g. you pressed 5m by mistake instead of 10m, then you canpress 10m and the timer will run for 10Min instead of 5Min. You can also resetthe timer by pressing the button again e. g press 5M and after 2 Min you press5m again so the timer will run for 2+5=7 min. When running the Unit will give abeep after every minute and also shown the running duration on the display. Installation:The DT-01 unitishousedin a rugged wall mount casing, & easy toinstall. The Unit comes with a 12V adaptor. You have to install the Unit on thewall, close to the existing motor 0n/Off switch, The DT-01 two wires withterminal connector will be connected to the motor ON/OFF switch, So the motorcan work with either the existing manual switch or with the timer, To operatewith the Timer the manual switch should be in Off state.
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