Core I5 4590 3.3ghz
Gigabyte GA-B85-DH3 ultra durable.
16 gb ddr3 1300Mhz
1tb HDD
128gb SSD
430 watt cooler master psu.
Agar ap ismen acha graphics lagainge to bohot achi gaming karsakte hn, is system per rx570 4gb chlaya tha majority games per above 50 fps aye the.
Gaming, video editing, graphics design, freelancing, trading, internet surfing and software development k liye best machine he Kisi bhi qisim ka munasib load sambhal lega system.
can be easily upgradeaple to i7 4770, support UpTo 32 gb ram and can support any type of graphics card in range of 30k.
reason for selling need cash.
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