NOTE: All Machines have different price range according to model and features.
Dealing in the world's TOP brand-commercial coffee machines in scratchless/box-packed condition.
Condition: 10/10 - Never used in Pakistan since import.
Brands Available:
* La Cimbali M100 3 group latest Model-2021
* La Cimbali M34 2 group latest Model-2018
* Nuova Simonelli Aurelia 2
* Nuova Simonelli Appia II Dual Boiler
* Lasspazial S5-Double Head
* PROMAC (Single and Double Head Both Available)
* SANREMO Made in Italy
* La Cimbali M27 RE-2014
* Complete Barista Kit
* TEXAS BULL-Sound Proof Juicer Blenders + Commercial Juicer Machines.
I also have specialty coffee machines specially designed for specialty coffee.
For more info,
Kindly search Google for the required name and specs.
Call for price 0 3 4 4 5/2/6/6/5/4/5