The price of Rs. 90000 is very reasonable for this property. You will find current market rates quite attractive in Askari 11 - Sector D. Looking for a Flat? Well, don't search any further, because we've got just the right Flat unit to fit your bill. Affordable rental unit according to your taste is available in a highly desirable location. Lahore is offering a good number of options through which you can experience the urban life at its best. The 10 Marla property is great for a comfortable family life.
Read below to find out what this property offers.
The community swimming pool in the building/society proves to be great during summers.
A separate and spacious dining room gives this property a potential for increased value in the future.
You can find a professional security services team that guards the building 24/7.
Have too many guests to entertain at one time? This property is exactly what you need with its large and beautifully designed drawing room.
The Flat has an adjoining space where the kids can freely play without you having to worry.
There is a community lawn at a walking distance from the Flat.
Having a mosque nearby is a blessing and you can conveniently reach it in a few minutes.
For more information about the property, you can contact us on the given numbers.