At a price of Rs. 26000000 such a deal may be hard to come again. You can be certain to find a home in Sabzazar Scheme due to the property options it offers. Buy the perfect property for you and your family! Your search ends with this House. Looking for the most trusted 5 Marla options. Here is something to consider. The highly lucrative real estate options in Sabzazar Scheme should not be missed.
Notable property details are as follows.
This drawing room lets your family have their privacy while you have formal guests over.
The central lounge in this House is perfect for all family members to hang around together.
You can conveniently direct your guests to the powder room.
You can set your washing machine and laundry products conveniently in the laundry room of the House.
This House comes with a large dining area where you can entertain your guests with comfort.
You can always give us a call for queries.