The asking price of Rs. 8700000 will multiply into profits for you. The recent market trend makes the city of Karachi an attractive place for property investors. The right property for sale is just a click away, so take action today. Get yourself a Flat that suits your needs perfectly. 650 Square Feet sized residential or commercial property is best for investment purposes. All the important amenities and facilities are made available in Grey Noor Tower & Shopping Mall.
What more this property has to tell you is written below.
You can use the service elevator in the building for your goods and luggage.
Have too many guests to entertain at one time? This property is exactly what you need with its large and beautifully designed drawing room.
This Flat comes with a sizeable dining room where you can have family meals together.
There is a community lawn at a walking distance from the Flat.
Now you can stay ahead on social media with fast broadband internet access.
A lounging area or sitting room is also included in the Flat so you can relax after long day of work.
The mosques near the Flat supports religious learning for all age groups.
If you want details, all you have to do is contact us.