Best Place to buy ps5 ps4 ps3 rog ally steam deck Nintendo switch
Gulistan-e-Jauhar Block 3, Karachi
6 days ago
TypePlaystation Consoles
Assalam o elekum
we have huge variety of console in different price
ps5 slim uk 165
all console are 100% seald and gurrented and if u wanna find out the audenticity of our profuct we can provide u are reviews customer more than 1000 all are indivisual and connected with us for anything beacuse of our service
we have huge rep on differennt facebook group as well
so feel free to contact us and i make sure to make great realtionship between u and me
ps5 fat used 120 to 130k
ps4 used fat 38 to 42
ps4 slim 45 to 52
ps4 fat jailbreak 50to 60
ps4 slim jailbreak 65 to 70k
gurrented best rate and no conpromise on quality
and we have a lots of experience in gaming console if u have any quiry u can contact us on
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zero 3 zero 3 two 1 zero 3 four zero 6
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