Processor: I7 4790 [10000/-PKR}
Motherboard: Asus h81m [6500/-PKR}
Gpu: Asus Rx 580 8 gb (used) (25000/-PKR)
Cooler: aigo 2 pipe rgb cooler(new) (2000/-PKR)
Ram: 16gb (8gbx2) (5000/-PKR)
Ssd: 128 gb ssd (3000/-PKR)
Hdd: 500 gb (1500/-PKR)
Power supply: 550 watt gigabyte (7500/-PKR)
Casing: Sonic casing R19 White (brand new) (Lights controll) (12000/-PKR
This is only pc price, but if you want the whole setup, keyboard,mouse, headphones and mousepad all are brand new and i can give you a good price, if you also want a monitor, i can sell that too