The seller has set the asking price very reasonable at Rs. 16000000.5 Marla property in posh location is a dream come true for many and with the choices available it can be for you too. A modern look House in a posh location is all you need to live your best life. You will not regret investing in the ideally located properties in Cavalry Extension. For a taste of urban living, book your next property in Cavalry Extension. If you are on a budget, this property might suit your pocket nicely.
You can read the notable property features below.
A dedicated prayer room in the House allows to conveniently and peacefully offer your prayers.
A well-furnished powder room spells convenience when you have guests over.
You can relax whenever you want with access to the Jacuzzi.
There are mosques near the House within walking distance.
The sitting room that comes with this House is large enough to seat your family and few friends.
Laundry room in the House comes handy when there is a lot of washing to do.
A separate study room in the House is like paradise on earth for all the readers and artists out there.
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