Title: High-Quality Pure Aseel & Egg-Laying Golden Misri Hens for Sale
https://www. youtube. com/@ZakaHassanBirds/shorts
Enhance your poultry collection with our top-quality hens! We have two premium breeds available:
Pure Aseel Hen - Rs. 3000 each
Authentic pure breed with excellent strength and resilience.
Ideal for both egg production and as a show bird.
Highly adaptable to various environments.
Stunning appearance with robust features.
Golden Misri Hen (Egg-Laying) - Rs. 1000 each
Famous for their prolific egg-laying abilities.
Friendly and easy to manage.
Perfect for both beginners and seasoned poultry keepers.
Gorgeous golden feathers with a calm temperament.
All our hens are healthy, well-maintained, and ready to become a valuable part of your flock. Don’t miss this chance to own some of the finest poultry in Bahawalpur!
Contact Information: [(View phone number)] Location: Bahawalpur, Punjab