A rental unit in a posh location also gives the opportunity to live your best life. Looking for a multi-purpose property? Well, stop searching further, because this Johar Town has the best one yet. The spacious and centrally located Upper Portion is ideal to live a luxurious lifestyle. In recent years, Johar Town has undergone a lot of development, making it a good place to own a Upper Portion. The number of 10 Marla options in the Johar Town can be limited, so hurry up. It can be difficult to find a property exactly as you require so a price of PKR Rs. 65000 is a great deal.
These features below will convince you why this property is right for you.
Pending discussions can all take place in the sitting room that comes with this property.
Having a laundry space in the Upper Portion comes in handy.
A drawing room like this is a must for you if you like entertaining.
Interested in a specific Upper Portion? Leave your details for further correspondence.