The Residential Plot is designed to suit both short term investors and long term residents who plan on living here. The prevailing market conditions make the price of Rs. 9100000 quite tempting. All the options you may have looked at, we can guarantee that you wouldn't find a better buy. Booming real estate development in Lahore is offering you to secure a dependable and profitable property asset. Located ideally on the Canal Gardens - Block AA, you know this property will always be high in demand. For those who are trying to find 5 Marla properties, this is an option to consider!
Following are some details of the property.
The expert security staff will remain vigilant round the clock.
An electricity connection meets your fundamental needs here.
In this property, you don't have to worry about drainage as a proper sewerage system is in place.
Possession for the plots will be available soon after development.
Active supply of water is ensured at all times.
If you seek further information, don't hesitate to contact.