The rental property you are looking for is right here. Having a home in Airline Housing Society can bring you closer to luxuries of life which otherwise you may miss out on. Real estate prices fluctuate really quick so be wise to book your property at PKR Rs. 70000, as it is the best price on offer considering previous data. This listing let you choose the perfect 10 Marla property for you. You don't have to search further, as this is the best Lower Portion that fits your requirements. Airline Housing Society is best for living, renting or investment purposes.
Find out what the property entails below.
Hosting dinners will no longer be worrisome due to the expansive dining room that comes with this property.
Drawing Room is a key component of a house, you would want yours to be exaclty like Lower Portion.
A laundry room can ensure washing can be done in peace and quiet.
If you are a large family, the spacious sitting area in this Lower Portion is perfect for you.
Contact us now to know all you need to make the best property decisions!