With features like this, you bet that the tag of Rs. 7000000 that it carries is quite nominal. If you are looking for a Residential Plot in this area, you will find no other option that even compares with this one. With new developments on the rise in Lahore you can definitely find what you're looking for. A centrally located property is the best investment you can make for your future. Just the fact that you will own a property at DHA 11 Rahbar Phase 4 - Block S should be enough to give it a boost in no time at all. Don't miss the chance of having your own 5 Marla property.
What more we can say about it is given below.
Electricity is available here, so you won't fall short of necessities.
The developer has taken special care with installing the latest technology for the sewerage system.
Possession of the property is fairly simple.
The uninterrupted water supply prevents the residents from facing any hassle on this front.
The security staff will be available round the clock to ensure that residents can lead a peaceful life.
Want to know more? Contact us now.