If you're looking for 2025 Square Feet properties that fit your needs, here's what you need. So if you're interested in buying this property, we would advise you to book it today. Property value in Al Raheem Gardens Phase 5 remains stable so rest assured it'll prove to be a good investment to buy your home here. You can expect good returns on investment by booking your property at PKR Rs. 40000000 in the upcoming project. This House is based at a prime location of Al Raheem Gardens Phase 5 Lahore. Every area in Lahore is well-facilitated, so it doesn't matter where you buy your home.
What more we can say about it is given below.
This property offers wide range of option where the living comes attached with a spacious drawing room.
This property comes with a spacious dining hall where you and your family can enjoy mealtimes in peace.
The House premises remains well-guarded round-the-clock with an expert security team.
Call us today to book your House.