This property at Rs. 45000 comes with modern features and latest fittings. The property covers an area of 5 Marla for you and your family. Cavalry Extension has a well laid public transport network so you can commute to anywhere quite easily. Cavalry Extension is full of facilities at every corner that make life easier. Book your appointment today to view the best rental units. Here is the Upper Portion you can have today and be proud of the decision.
A few highlighting features of the property are as follows.
Stay cozy in your home due to the central heating system.
Central air conditioning so you are saved from the grueling heat of the summer months.
Having your own Jacuzzi lets you luxuriate whenever you want.
The drawing opens into a spacious dining room, making it convenient to entertain guests.
The property has an outdoor pool where one can swim to their heart's content.
A barbeque area also adjoins the place and is perfect to entertain small gatherings.
The house has a separate prayer room so that you can offer your five daily prayers peacefully, away from the noise.
If these do not completely convince, you can just contact us and we will put all your concerns to rest.