The rental property has all the features that make up for a comfortable living. Given the prime location of Aitchison Society, you will be placed in an ideally placed in a happening neighborhood. Are you in search of a House in Aitchison Society in Aitchison Society that's priced reasonably? If yes, you have landing on the right page. Looking for real estate options in Aitchison Society? We are here to suggest the most excellent neighborhoods. The property of 5 Marla is an ideal option in Aitchison Society. If you really look for a property on a budget within Rs. 100000 then check out this one.
Find out the basic features of the property below.
A drawing room like this is a must for you if you like entertaining.
The property has a spacious drawing and dining room to allow you to entertain in style.
The sitting room that comes with this House is large enough to seat your family and few friends.
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