The market trends confirm that the quoted price of Rs. 6200000 is quite reasonable. In Bankers Avenue - Block C, you can find your dream property like this at the click of a button. Make the most of the opportunity right now of buying a 5 Marla property that is readily. The Residential Plot is designed to suit both short term investors and long term residents who plan on living here. It is a perfect bargain so buy this property today. Looking for a multi-purpose property? Well, stop searching further, because this Lahore has the best one yet.
Following are some of the notable features of this property.
You can take possession as soon as construction is completed.
This property has a functional electricity connection, so you can rest easy!
Water tank and supply is sufficient enough to meet a large family's needs.
The expert security staff will remain vigilant round the clock.
The Residential Plot comes with all basic amenities including a working sui gas connection.
The developer has taken special care with installing the latest technology for the sewerage system.
Drop us a line and we'll be happy to guide you further.