processor: Xeon e3 1240 v3 (i7 4th equal) 8 thread (7k)
motherboard: msi h81m p33 (6k)
cooler: dell screw cooler with beefy heatsink. (800) much better than stock intel. which is also available
ram: 16gb ddr3 1600mhz (4.5k)
psu: corsair vs550 dual 8pin (7.5k)
ssd: adata 512gb (7.5k)
gpu: gtx 560 1gb (6.5k)
case: raidmax mid tower with cable management compartment (side glass broken) (5k)
case: normal zoostorm also available will give for free if you buy board + processor
Note: everything is optional. you can buy only the components you want or full pc upto you
prices are slightly negotiable.
2-3 days backup warranty will be given. no dead or burnt warranty