برانڈ نیو کنڈیشن
سٹور اینڈ پک اپ لوکیشن اسلام آباد
کیش اون ڈیلیوری آل پاکستان
آرڈر کے لئے تصویر پر دیئے گئے نمبر پر واٹسپ کریں شکریہ 26 Cupping Cups Sets Biomagnetic Traditional Professional Chinese Therapy Massage Cupping Set Household Pull Out Vacuum Cupping Kit/Chinese Massage Hijama SuctionThey're made of Polycarbonate, This material is well known for its strong, durable, break resistant features, and longer lasting than any other plastic. That is safe to use and transparent enough allowing you to see the suction from the pressure of the cups. You are now in control of the cupping intensity! No more unreliable and cheaply made cups that simply don't stay on your back and slide all the time.
Easy to use pressure release valves , No Need Doctor or Therapists, You Can Use by Yourself. Ancient Chinese Medicine Treatment, Safe and Reliable.
Please Use Alcohol Disinfection Caps Before Use, the degree of suction is in your control with a vacuum pump, from gentle to strong.
You may see a lot of athletes or Hollywood's star on the back of a round bruise, in fact, this is the traditional Chinese cupping. (Do not worry, that's Painless therapy).
This cupping therapy set is known for promoting blood circulation, anti cellulite, pain relief, relieving joint and muscle soreness and eliminating body toxins. Cupping therapy has been used by Olympics athletes for recouping