برانڈ نیو کنڈیشن
سٹور اینڈ پک اپ لوکیشن اسلام آباد
کیش اون ڈیلیوری آل پاکستان
آرڈر کے لئے تصویر پر دیئے گئے نمبر پر واٹسپ کریں شکریہ
03.13 -593 ,,00--67
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1MORE ComfoBuds Z Wireless Sleep Earbuds, Soothing Sleep Sounds, Noise Blocking, Light and Comfortable, 5 Auto-Off Timers, Bluetooth Earbuds Designed Specially for Sleep
30 SOOTHING SOUNDS: 1MORE ComfoBuds Z features 30 sounds which are proven to effective in triggering sleep. These built-in sounds intend to create a natural environment of quiet and peace.
LIGHT AND COMFORT: Single earbud weighing only 2.7g, 1MORE ComfoBuds Z add few pressure to the ears while using. It also comes with 4 pairs of soft ear tips in silicon for different preference.
EFFECTIVE NOISE MASKING: These tiny earbuds are designed ergonomically and can fit securely and snugly in ears, forming a gentle seal and blocking effectively the outside noise up to 24dB.
5 AUTO TIMMER: You can even set up auto-off timer between 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 minutes according to the specific sleeping habits. The music will stop automatically as you intend.
WORK ALSO FOR DAILY USE: Besides use while sleep, you could also use 1MORE ComfoBuds Z as common earphones to play the local music in your devices. We present you the perfect sleep companion and music buddy.