With features so unique and monthly rent so reasonable, this is the rental property should pick right now. The demand price is set pretty reasonably at Rs. 60000. Explore all the property you could ask for in Architects Engineers Housing Society. You simply cannot say no to this Upper Portion. Better yet, it comes with tonnes of exciting features that distinguish it from other properties. Your search for property sized 10 Marla is now over! Go through our impressive listing now. Architects Engineers Housing Society is the top choice for investors due to its proximity from facilities.
To get to more details on the property, some of its features are given below.
An attached dining room makes it convenient to host your guests in privacy.
The house features a spacious and well-designed drawing room.
A dedicated laundry room is ideal in the Upper Portion, especially for large families.
The central lounge in this Upper Portion is perfect for all family members to hang around together.
For booking and details, give us a call today.