At a price of Rs. 32000000 this property can be the best investment option in this Nasheman-e-Iqbal Phase 2. Be a lucky buyer to own a House in Lahore. We bring you the best that real estate has to offer for making worthy investment or buying one for yourself. The end users find Nasheman-e-Iqbal Phase 2 the best place to meet their varying needs. If you are looking to buy the best House in the prime locality in Lahore, we can help! This appealing 10 Marla property has been carefully curated for your needs.
The following property features will tell you what makes it special.
A well-lit, open-space lounge is perfect for family discussions and gatherings.
Host perfect parties for your friends in this stunning drawing room that is part of this House.
Formal dinners at home can be hosted perfectly now, with the lavish dining room space that comes with this property.
We will guide you through the booking process, all you have to do is contact us via given numbers.