Gulshan-e-Ravi - Block F is known for its easy access to amenities and public transport, so you should definitely check it out. The latest construction projects of 10 Marla properties is open for booking, so make a move before it is too late. We can help you find a place in Lahore. If you are on a budget, this property might suit your pocket nicely. A price of PKR Rs. 45000000 is quite reasonable for this House. Boasting the ideal location of Gulshan-e-Ravi - Block F, this House is one of a kind.
Notable property details are as follows.
Not all families need a separate dining parlour but this property has one, in case you like to make mealtimes special.
The drawing room with this House is naturally well-lit and you can enhance it further with dcor.
For details and booking information, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.