To fulfill your search for a property in Bahria Town - Janiper Block, here's what we have. If you're looking for 1 Kanal property, we have what you need! The city of Lahore awaits you to offer you a more facilitated lifestyle. Look no further as we have listed the best Upper Portion just for you! This is the property you will not refuse to rent. The asking price of Rs. 110000 will multiply into profits for you.
What more we can say about it is given below.
To provide a complete lifestyle experience, the project offers a variety of urban amenities, including broadband internet access.
The study room in the Upper Portion is smartly planned to give you the privacy you need to focus on your work and studies.
Protection is a top priority and for that reason, you'll find expert security services on patrol at all times.
You can easily enjoy some fresh air or go for a morning walk in the community park nearby.
Kids can swim to their hearts desire at the community pool.
The Upper Portion features state-of-the-art amenities for the differently-abled.
A barbeque area also adjoins the place and is perfect to entertain small gatherings.
We are only a call away to guide you to make the best property decisions of your life.