Khayaban-e-Amin - Block S is known for its facilities while the property value has remained stable over the years. Let us know if Need help in narrowing down popular areas for Residential Plot in Khayaban-e-Amin - Block S. Here is a list of 1 Kanal property best suited for your needs. Finding a property is difficult but one at Rs. 10000000 is a great offer. Purchase your property today to secure your future. If Lahore is the destination of your dreams, here is a property to get you started!
The details of the property are listed down below.
Having a proper sewerage system in place is so important and this Residential Plot has it.
The Residential Plot comes with electricity supply.
Enjoy an unhindered water supply round the clock.
The property comes equipped with a sui gas connection along with other amenities.
Make a wise investment decision with our experts waiting to help you. Call us today for detailed assessment and property advice.